I really don’t understand the purpose of school again and the sincere truth is, I’m going to school to just earn the certificate and nothing more. So if I’m asked, which school did you attend and what’s your discipline? I can proudly tell them that I attended this so and so school and I studied computer science.
Sometimes, I wonder if it is this same school I prayed and fasted for. I wonder if it is the same school I attempted suicide on. On this same school I cried and remained depressed for weeks. It’s the same school I went to mountains for. Mehn, may I not exert and pray on the wrong thing.
I really don’t understand because I have not really grasped the main reason of this system and each year, tons of graduate mount the mountain of the outside world only to start life again.
The question is, what happened to school?
I’m beginning to question myself about my being in school and what I really want.
Something happened last semester.
I’ll share it in my next write up!