Hi, my name is Adefunke Adeniyi. Also known as the social media prophet. I am a digital 3with expertise in content marketing and social media marketing. This user manual is just a way of meeting and relating with me. I hope you’d enjoy knowing about this young lady.
I was very sincere and open when giving those responses. Read through and enjoy.
1. What are some honest, unfiltered things about you?
• I love excellence.
• I love my privacy so much.
• I am a lover. I love hard.
• I hardly forget things, both good and bad.
• I love attention.
• I am too serious. Sometimes I can not identify a joke when I see one.
• I value people so much and I think about them.
• I am so used to saying "thank you" and " I am sorry". Most people try to take advantage of that but I am sensitive when they do.
• It takes time for me to process words said.
2. What drives me nuts?
• Use of vulgar languages.
• Excellence
• Empathy
• Books
• God
3. What are your quirks?
• Scanty hair and I don't like covering it.
• Talk very loud and fast especially when I am talking about something I love or pained about something.
• No favourite food, color, friend, etc. None.
• Love talking to myself and imagining.
• Highly extroverted, loves socializing, love playing, and meeting new people.
• Stubborn and sometimes impatient.
• Loyal.
• Love calls.
• Love talking with people.
• Overacheiver.
• Love cleaning my shoes.
• Unusually high tolerance for pain.
• I misunderstand others sometimes.
• I can be very secretive
4. How can people earn an extra gold star with you?
• Be open and sincere.
• Make out time for me.
• Keep to your words.
• Be able to express yourself without being shy or ashamed.
• Respect.
• Excellence.
5. What qualities do you particularly value in people who work with you?
• Excellence.
• Respect
• Know how to express yourself.
• Be real, open and sincere.
• Hardwork and smart work.
• Loyalty
6. What are some things that people might misunderstand about you that you should clarify?
• I love you: When I make this statement, people feel I am emotional about them and I want something from them. I say it a lot to people and they misunderstand. I am a people person, I love and value them too. I do not mean anything more than that. I love hard and when I say I do, I really do without any biased intention.
• Vulgar words: I don't accept vulgar words as a joke or play. Words said to me does a lot. I avoid people who use vulgar words. I don't hate them but I can't stand those words.
• Attention: I love it when I talk and open myself without being ashamed irrespective of what I am talking about. I love giving people attention and I love it too when I am given attention.
• I cry: I can be very emotional at times. It doesn't mean I am craving for attention or pitying myself at that time. Sometimes, the best way I can express myself is to cry.
1. How do you coach people to do their best work and develop their talents.
• Converse with them and ask them questions about their professional and personal goals, how those goals can be met and how they envisage themselves attaining the future they want. Related questions like;
✔️ Challenges they face everyday.
✔️ Things that frustrate them.
✔️ What skill will they like to work on that would increase their job effectively.
✔️ Things they wish they knew more, etc...
• Be supportive and committed to helping them achieve their goals.
• Be committed to continuous and consistent learning.
• Get feedback. Communication is key.
2. What is the best way to communicate with you?
• Be composed and go straight to the point (You can joke but don't spend too long on it).
• Be expressive and straightforward. Don't hide things from me if I need to hear it.
• Smile if you can and avoid using vulgar words.
• You can write to me too. I'd appreciate it.
• Maintain eye contact. Don't talk and be looking elsewhere.
3. What's the best way to convince me to do something?
I can do anything I set my heart to do. I just need to understand what I am supposed to do and how to go about it. And if money is attached with it too.
N.B- If it is something that contradicts with my values, I will not do it.
4. How do you like to give feedback?
✔️ Greet the person for a job well done.
✔️ Ask how the person was while doing the job.
✔️ Lovingly correct the person and show the person the mistake that was made.
✔️ Tell the person what to do.
✔️ Ask about the welfare of the person.
5. How do you like to get feedback?
• Avoid using vulgar words.
• Show me my mistakes and if possible show me how to go about it.
• Smile when giving the feedback.
I hope you enjoyed all that you read. Do you have questions you want me to answer? Ok. You can reach out to me through ;
Instagram: @thesocialmediaprophet
Twitter: adefunke_social
I do long to hear from you.
I am still growing and evolving. As time goes on, somethings I wrote above will change. I am a work in progress.