To My Tall Glass of Sweet Wine🍷
Dear Reader, writing this article meant a lot to me, and your support would mean even more. Medium allows you to give up to 50 claps for an article, so if this resonated with you, please don’t hesitate to give it all 50. Thank you so much for being here and for cheering me on!

To the absolute love of my life. To the man I’m walking the aisle with.
The man who saw me at my best and at my not-so-best, the one who has held my hand through every season and still looks at me like I’m the most beautiful thing God ever created.
The one whose love is so fierce, so pure, so constant, that I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve him.
This is YES to a lifetime of love, laughter, and partnership.
YES to winning together.
YES to fighting together.
YES to growing together.
YES to settling together.
YES to building a home so warm and peaceful.
YES to giving birth together.
YES to raising beautiful, God-fearing children together.
YES to serving God together, holding hands in prayer, worshipping side by side, and chasing destiny as a team.
YES to crying together, but also wiping each other’s tears.
YES to arguing together and me winning most of them, obviously.
YES to laughing together until our stomachs hurt.
YES to vibing together, our hearts beating to the same rhythm.
YES to shooting videos together (because this life na content!).
YES to carrying tripods and camera bags together (because love is also teamwork).
YES to traveling together, making memories in new places, holding hands as we explore the world.
YES to eating together.
YES to late-night gists, pillow talks, and random moments of silliness.
YES to waking up every morning and choosing each other again and again.
To My Tall Glass of Sweet Wine,
Thank you.
For loving me the way you do. For choosing me. For fighting for me when I didn’t even have the strength to fight for myself.
For covering me with so much love and security that I never have to question where I stand with you. For making me feel safe, seen, heard, and deeply cherished.
I love you with everything in me, my heart, my soul, my spirit, and yes, even my money. My money is always your money.
I love you in ways I never thought possible. I love you recklessly, deeply, unconditionally. And that love will never change.
You have shown me what true love looks like, not just in words but in actions, in sacrifices, in patience, in the way you hold me when I feel like crumbling, in the way you remind me that I am enough, in the way you pray for me like my name is a permanent request on your altar.
I am so proud of the man that you are becoming. I am proud of the husband you will be. I am proud of the father you will be to our children. I am proud of the son-in-law you will be to my family (my mum has claimed you already; there’s no escape). I am proud of the priest, the leader, the king, and the best friend that you are.
And just in case you ever forget, this is your permanent reminder that I’ve got you. Always.
You need a shoulder? Come rest here.
You need a hug? Just ask, I’m here.
You need encouragement? I will hype you till you believe in yourself.
You need prayers? I have knees that will touch the ground for you.
You need money? I have enough to sort you out.
You’re having a rough day? I will make you laugh, even if I have to crack dry jokes.
You will be my best friend, my confidant, my priest, my partner-in-amebo, my number-one gist buddy.
You will be the one I run to, the one I confide in, the one I laugh with, the one I cry with, the one I hold onto.
Today and for the rest of my life, I devote my love to you.
I devote my time to you.
I devote my energy to you.
I devote my body to you.
I devote my resources to you.
This is forever, and I will always choose you. Over and over again, in every season, in every moment, through every challenge, through every joy. Nobody is going anywhere.
I love you, now and always.
Magical Date: September 30th, 2024.