Social media has a way of showing us that people are happy and okay, but the truth is most people are far from being fine and okay
I get that feeling when you check online and see that your secondary schoolmates are doing well (in your own eyes) but you are not. When you see your seatmate riding a car, has a house, got a good job, serving Jesus, married and settled with children, but you seem far away from those good realities of life.
The truth is social media doesn't relate the truth about what's happening in people's life. Some might be truly successful while some are borrow pose to pepper somebody or show off.
Either your friends are doing well or not, don't kill yourself over the achievement of others. Don't get carried away by what social media is throwing at your face.
It can be very hard when you don't seem to be where you ought to be but that should not push you to comparing yourself with others because of their achievement.
Most times, what social media is showing us is the smiley face, shoes, bags, clothes, and a background picture. A beautiful picture doesn't mean that the person is doing well. Don't get depressed because of the picture. People are going through a lot and everybody is trying to come out fine and strong.
Why would you compare yourself with others?
Why is somebody's success the measurement of your own!
And besides, what's success to you? Money and bag?
One of the things I have learned to do is respect my journey and value my process. My journey can be slow, but I'm making progress.
You may be saying I don't understand what it means. Well, I do. I have friends that are married, graduated, working well, own their apartment, have children and sorts like that.
I have this understanding of what success means to me, and it's beyond materials things. I do not measure my success by the amount of money, cars, houses, children I have.
And whatever height anybody gets to doesn't threaten where I am right now. I'm putting in daily work to get to my goal, I'm showing up everyday regardless of how I feel, I've chosen to stay focus, and fight till I win.
My friend's success will not threaten me or make me feel my efforts are not worthwhile.
Apply wisdom when it comes to the issue of social media and give yourself breathing space.
Respect yourself, know what you want and face your shop to the top.
What's your thoughts on this subject?
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