Few times, I have seen people react when they realize they have to carry over a course. I really don’t understand what it means to have one and I don’t pray to have one.
I really feel for those who have experienced it, especially those that worked hard. It can be very painful.
Personally, I feel having a carry over is a comeback for you. Just as we fail in life, is the same thing. We keep trying till we get it right (Be careful o because carrying over a course in my school is 6k as I heard).
If you’ve a carryover, it’s just another opportunity to do better and boost your GP. It’s not the end of anything for you, and it doesn’t define you in any way or any form.
Carry over your course with dignity and do better. Carryover is not a death sentence. It's a sentence to doing better.
I hope I made sense.