Months ago, I messed up the kitchen after cooking and somehow I was tired. I was still trying to get my way around when my mum met me in the kitchen and found it messed up with plates, spoon, pots, dirty nylons and stuffs like that.
The next thing I heard is “is this how you will behave in your husband’s house”? You cannot tidy the kitchen and all those husband’s house related talks.
I just stood there looking at her. I wanted to respond to her, but I didn’t want to talk amiss, so I just kept quiet and continued what I was doing.
She left the kitchen with a hiss and some words dangling under her breath!
I know I’m not the only one in this condition. Lot of single young ladies face this issue from their mothers. I wonder why our husband’s house is used when correcting mistakes.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard that statement. Mehn, it’s annoying. I keep wondering if they (mummies) understands that it is wrong to say that statement.
For crying out loud, I have a life outside my husband’s house. What if I don’t want to get married? Can you say that to an African mother under her roof?
Our mummies need to do better. They should stop tagging every of our actions to when we get married.
And besides, I have not heard her say to my brother when you get to your wife’s house. It’s all on the girls.
Maybe that’s why some men leave their wives to the kitchen and house chores because they feel she’s a woman and already in her husband’s house. Only God knows!
I hope this generation of mothers will not take on that trend.
I find this annoying and irritating.
What’s your thought about this “husband’s house” mentality.
Share with me in the comment section!