I grew up not liking to be bossed around, shouting “yes ma” every time and being boxed to a place. I love working at my convenience.
I once worked in a school for 3 months and I saw the process of 9 to 5. I wasn't interested and as I journeyed through life, I knew deep down that freelancing was my best option.
Also, I don't know how to sit on a chair and table to get my work done. So, working in a confined office with a chair and table is a NO NO for me. I work on my bed and I do that with so much speed and focus. I sleep off sometimes, but it happens when I'm seriously tired. Well, I'm learning how to use a chair and table now.
I started freelancing in 2019. I started with writing content. I worked with Alhamin. He would send me works through my WhatsApp and I will submit the work through WhatsApp. Wow, that was fun. So, I could do my work anywhere and still get my dollars😋
I enjoyed it so much especially the convenience attached with working at home but there are downsides to it.
My mummy doesn't like the work I do, and she has been praying and trusting God to take this job and give me a better one. I don't know if God's going to answer that prayer because I love my job, and finally I'm doing what I have always wanted to do.
Working at home comes with a load of responsibilities especially if you are staying with your parents. I'm staying with my mum and siblings. Every week days, I'm always the only one with my mum and I don't know if she knows I'm working. I feel she doesn't still see my work as a valid one. Like, why would you be pressing your phone all day?
She has sat me down to talk about the nature of work I do. I don't know why she's not comfortable with me being a digital marketer but one thing I know of is that; she's not happy that I have to lock myself up indoor all day. She wants me to go out.
Aside that, those funny errands you get while working. It's usually a big distraction for me and sometimes settling down to resume can be hard, but I'm learning to adapt.
I'll just hear my name from the sitting room; “Adefunke, come and buy plantain o” or “come and see something”. So, different distraction here and there.
So, what I try to do sometimes is to just create out time from my busy schedule to talk with her and I also create time to do necessary house chores but still I'm called to attend to one thing or the other.
Another area is; I do not have resumption time or closing time. What I do is; I make sure that I complete my schedule for the day even if it's 2am. I don't like leaving my work undone. I try as much as to get it cleared off.
So, freelancing has not been so easy, but I find so much convenience working from home.
I don't know if I would change my job just as my mum is praying but I don't think so. Also, I look forward to having a hubby that's a freelancer. How beautiful it would be! Stay home and earn those dollars together✌️
I would choose to freelance over and over again.
What do you think about my mum's prayer point?