We all lose friends.. we lose them in death, to distance and over time. But even though they may be lost, hope is not. The key is to keep them in your heart, and when the time is right, you can pick up the friendship right where you left off. Even the lost find their way home when you leave the light on. - Amy Marie Walz.
I grew up with this beautiful perspective about friendship, that friends are life long people. But sooner than later, reality begun to hit me. I losed more friends than I could ever think of... It was so hard I must say.
The most painful thing is, most of them left without any prior notice. They just walked out of my life and shut the door close. It was damn painful.
These were people I still spoke to, prayed for, cared for, and wanted the best for them. It got so bad that, I failed my exams because a friend left. I was emotionally unstable for months.
As time went by, I came to the understanding that friends come and go. Some people are seasonal, while some people are temporary. While some people will still come back after they've left you for long and you end up closer than you were before and some people leave forever.
We get to a point in life when we all lose a friend we love and care about so much... The loss may be due to distance, choice, or even death. Whatever lead to the loss of a friend can be very painful and inconvenient.
I have noticed something over time, no matter how short the relationship was with that person, it doesn't leave you the same. No relationship leaves you the same.
Losing a friend is a very bitter pill to swallow. Especially people you truly love and care for. The reality doesn't seem to click but when you see you can't really reach out to them, then it begins to dawn on you that you've really lost them..
Moving on is the best thing to do after losing a friend. It can be pretty hard but it is not advisable that you stay in the merridean of hurt, pain, and disappointment.
Cry it out if you feel it's necessary.
Pick up what is left of you and move on.
Give yourself time to heal.
Get busy with building yourself and keep growing.
As you get yourself busy with doing important things that pertains to you, other wonderful and amazing people will come and everything becomes so beautiful again.
Don't get yourself worked up by all that happened. Forgive yourself and the other party in question.
People that matter will come.
People that value you will come.
People that loves and cherish you will come.
People that will stand till you succeed will come.
So, pick up the pieces of what's left, move on, be happy, live life to the fullest and have fun...