My first million at 17.
My first 2 millions at 19.
My first 3 millions at 21.
I'm not really disturbed by the millions and the people earning it. I'm actually disturbed by the number of young people weighed by this millions. I'm disturbed by the number of depressed young people because of the millions and the age attached with it.
I'm disturbed by the low self esteem that has emerged from this. The damaged self worth that has happened.
I'm not disturbed by the person earning the millions. I'm disturbed by the person reading it at 24 and breaking down. It's sad.
The first time I saw a write up of my first million at 20 or so, I was really sad for myself. Questions were flooding my head. I obviously did not have answers to them because they were not even questions that could bring me any million.
They were questions that doubted my ability and all that I can ever do. I was sizing myself with this other young lady that had millions. Mehn, that's the most foolish thing I ever did.
I’ll not come here and say it didn’t get me, it did. Later on, I sat down and analyzed things well. It was very wrong for me to have compared myself. It was wrong to have looked down on my abilities. All I did it that point was wrong.
Right now, I’m happy for every lady or guy out there who are bagging their millions. I’m sincerely happy. And I wish they will keep bagging those millions.
My advise to you;
Just be careful, don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Success is relative.
Don't forget that high blood pressure and hypertension is not age related. If you pass your boundary, you will enjoy the consequences.
Some of you may need to stop reading such contents if you know you cannot avoid the damage that it will bring on you. Whatever you can do, do it and keep yourself well and strong.
You need to be mentally strong to make money. You need to place value on yourself and not be tossed by the words of men. Stand your ground and do what’s right.
Trust me, your millions are coming.