Longing for Simplicity: Finding Balance in a Tech-Driven World

We now live in a world dominated by technology, and we are bombarded with screen glow in every corner of our lives. The need to stay connected, the fear of missing out, and the overwhelming access to information has created a sense of chaos and fatigue. The need to embrace the moment of calm and quietness has become compelling.
I was talking to Br Tola last week, and I was telling him that I wish I was born sometime around 1840.
The level of sanity was okay. I might be wrong, but life without tech or the internet was beautiful. The quality of life then was better.
I don’t know, but deep down in my heart, I wish there was no form of technology, and we lived normal lives with or without tech.
Obviously, I work in the tech space, but then, the level of harm this so-called improvement is causing a generation is heartbreaking.
With so much improvement and all, we are raising a generation of depressed people. A lot of people cannot do without their phones. It feels like they are going to die. But then, most of us have failed to remember that there’s a life beyond the so-called tech and internet improvement.

We’ve become so hooked to technology that life will never make sense without it. Finding balance between embracing the benefits that technology has to offer and maintaining a sense of peace requires intentional effort.
A lot of us might have to prioritize moment of stillness, choose real interactions over online ones, and know when to take a break from the digital noise.
Some of the decisions most of us have taken or are going to take is due to pressure from the internet. We’re trying to please people and prove a point.
As far as I’m concerned, there’s no point to prove anywhere. Maybe I need add this reminder that the number of years we’ll spend 6 feet (1.83 meters) below the ground is more than the years we’ll spend alive.
We are always on our toes chasing followers, likes and the validation that the internet promises, but then, at what cost?
The internet has so much to offer. As much as you can, use it to your advantage. Don’t shoot yourself in the leg. If you know the length some people go to do certain things on the internet, you’ll face your journey and respect your process.
Learning to leverage the power of technology and knowing when to let go doesn’t mean that we are rejecting progress, but the aim is to redefine it in a way that nurtures our well-being and productivity.
In the quest for simplicity, we will discover the beauty in slowing down and the richness in the present.
Finally, the real world, the one that is outside our screen is there waiting for us to truly live in it.