Dear Adefunke,
You deserve to be happy. There is nothing wrong in putting your happiness first. You are beautiful. You are intelligent. Never let anyone make you believe otherwise.
You are not on earth to slave your life for anyone. Yes, you can love and make sacrifices, but make sure it is worth it. Do not give any mortal chance to kill your self esteem.
Never allow yourself to be made inferior to any human. If anyone tells you that you are not equal as humans, it simply means you are superior. You must emancipate.
You are better than what your society makes you believe you are. You must begin to raise girls and women who believe in themselves. Your vagina is not a hindrance to your chance at ruling the world. You can be great if you believe and earn it.
Please know your worth. You need to draw the line between being loved and being abused. You don’t need a soothsayer to tell you when someone is not right for your life, your dreams, and your future. You will know when a relationship is right for you. It will enhance your life and not complicate it
Toxic person should be far away from you. Walk away from situations that are enslaving you. It’s not going to be easy. It can be a painful process. It’s a journey you must take that will ultimately change everything you believe; but once you make it safely to the other side, you will have the power to speak your truth and free others.
Adefunke, learn not to let your mind and emotions get the best of you, especially when it involves things which you have no control of. Refuse to get upset when things don’t go as planned. Refuse to allow your mind, will, and emotions rule your spirit.
In your patience, you will learn to possess your soul. God’s love is the power that forgives your sins, heal your emotional wounds and mend your broken heart.
Once you realize that you are loved by God not by anything you are or anything you have done - you can quit trying to earn His love and simply receive and enjoy it.
I want to use this opportunity to say thank you for being such an amazing young lady. Thank you for fighting so hard. Thank you for those risks you took at life. Thank you for loving and taking care of yourself in the best way you can. Thank you for enduring those hard long process. You deserve an award!
Finally, keep being strong. Go for what you want. I want to tell you that I love you and I am praying for you. Jesus loves you too and He is with you cheering you on the path of purpose and destiny. Keep your head high and walk like the Queen that you are.
Till I write again, be a good girl.