Before I go into the topic fully, let me define debt.
Debt is the money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another, generally as a result of a loan or other financial transaction.
Today, our main emphasis is MONEY.
Money is an important issue in our lives and plays quite an important role. At the same time, it is the cause of strife, envy, troubles and greed.
Debt in itself is not bad. It is when it is not paid back that makes it wrong.
Also, debt may not be in monetary form too. There are other ways you can owe people.
A lot of people are owing debt that hasn't been sorted out. Personally, I don't have issues with you owing debt, what I am concerned is you not been able to pay back and your behavior towards it.
Let me share a personal story of mine. I'll hide the person identify for certain reasons.
There's a lady that's owing me a small amount of money. She got something for me and promised to pay up as soon as possible. I believed her and gave what she requested for. The normal me was expecting her to pay back.
This lady did not pay the money till now, and she did not reach out to me. I was the one calling her and asking her about it. She kept saying she was going to pay.
The truth is, I don't have issues with her paying up, what I have issues with is the fact that she couldn't reach out. She didn't say anything about the money.
I was pained because I needed money, but I just decided to just stay calm with her.
I know it might be embarrassing to know you cannot meet up with a particular deadline, but as much as you can stay in touch with the person.
Don't allow the person to keep trailing you with calls and some of you won't pick up your calls. That's very wrong.
If it happens that you cannot meet up with the deadline, make sure you reach out to that person before that day.
That shows how concerned and willing you are to pay up and the person in question may relieve you of the debt if possible.
That's one of the things I try to do when it comes to me paying up a debt. No matter how embarrassed I might feel, I'll always reach out to you. I feel it's better for me to call you embarrassed, than you calling me. That's embarrassment in two places.
Money is a very crucial subject and if you are not careful, it will rid you of important relationships.
More importantly, if you owe a debt, and you are reluctant to pay up, then you are very wicked and shameless.
Even Jesus encouraged us to owe no man. Why will you hoard somebody's money? If you fall into this class, REPENT.
Don't allow money to rob you of important things. Money cannot buy quality relationships and connections. Money cannot buy trust and credibility. Money cannot buy honesty and integrity. Don't trade all these. You may not get them back.
Be careful as much as you can.
Learn to reach out and do what is necessary.