I was led in my spirit to write this out for somebody few days ago. The person is a lady. I hope you find strength after reading this.
Showing up has been a very tough one for me in past times. Sometimes, I did not understand why I needed to show up when I wasn’t feeling like it. It wasn’t making sense to me and I just stayed in the meridian of showing up when I wanted to, not minding the consequences attached with it.
As I journeyed through life, I learned about INTENTIONALITY, and it is the defining characteristic of the mental state of a person when deliberating about an intention.
I learned that if I wanted to become anything tangible, I had to be very intentional about all that I do. It was a hard pill for me to swallow because I was rebelling against what I wanted.
I also learned RESPONSIBILITY, and it is the state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable. Stuffs have been placed in my hands to make use of, at the end of the day, I’ll be accountable to all that was given to me. I saw responsibility from a sense and place of purpose.
Those two things I learned placed a burden in my heart. The question I ask myself always is, when everything is over, what will my excuse be?
Deep down in my heart, I just knew that no excuse is tangible enough to give for not doing all that was needful.
Those two things, INTENTIONALITY and RESPONSIBILITY gave me reasons why showing up was an option every day. I had to change my patterns and I had to change so many things to fit into this. It was very hard. Besides, change is hard.
Showing up has made me visible to myself. I have seen how weak and vulnerable I am. And giving myself out to the world for people to see was much harder.
After I got that understanding, I channeled every of my energy to showing up where I was needed EVERY DAY.
Showing up in the place of prayer.
Showing up in the study of the word.
Showing up at work.
Showing up for others.
Showing up for development in every sphere.
Showing up for myself and to God who made me for a reason and chose me for some things bigger.
It was really a stretch but each and every day that I showed up, there’s this surge of strength and believe strongly that I am doing what He wants me to do, and He’s happy.
And each and every day, no matter how or what I felt and no matter what my body was saying, I chose to show up, and I’ll keep showing up till I am made perfect unto the day of the Lord!
I hope God grants you understanding and I hope that you receive strength and courage after reading this.
Dear young lady that this is meant for, I want you to know that Jesus sees you, and He loves you and this write-up is to address your state and answer your question. He came this far to make this known to you. Find solace in Him continually. You are loved!
Now, are you willing to take responsibility and be intentional about all that He wants you to do?
I hope you find answers!