While I was still a small girl, I remember I used to go to the back of my mummy's shop to lick all the dust on the door. It was just too sweet. I couldn't get enough, and I always look forward to seeing so much dust to lick. Funny enough, my mummy never caught me licking sand, so I was just cruising and enjoying it while it lasted.
As I grew up (Big girls naw) I began to reduce the quantity I took, and I took it secretly. I don't know how I got to know Nzu, but I remember I was in JSS class when I got to know it.
Nzu is a substance that's made up of sand and salt. God bless the person that gave me to lick it because it satisfied my cravings. I asked what it was used for, and they said it was just for licking and pregnant women uses it to stop spitting.
I can't describe the love I had for that thing and guess what? It was very cheap (5 naira). My joy knew no bound. So I could lick my sand without having to stay at the back of my mummy's door.
God so good, the woman next to my mummy's shop started selling it. Omo, I was happy. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know I was starting a journey that could bring serious issues to my health.
Well, I got addicted to licking it. I got so bad that I will buy on credit. And the people selling it never told me it had adverse effect but sincerely, it's just too sweet.
I went online one day to search about this thing I've been consuming. I stumbled on a content about it and I saw stories of people that took that substance and the effects it had on them due to long and prolonged consumption. I was afraid, so I've been joking with my health.
The understanding I had concerning that thing didn't stop me from taking it. Everywhere I went to, I always saw places where that stuff was sold.
I wanted to stop but it was so hard. The more I tried, the more I took it. I took it to God in prayers and I started with baby steps.
I stayed away for a day, 2 days, 5 days, I went back again, started again, went back again, started again. Before I knew it, I went without it for a month, 2 months, 3 months... Wow! I was happy but trust me, I had cravings to take them.
One more important thing, I engaged the Holy Ghost in this matter. Times when I had those cravings, I talked to Him about it and somehow an escape route came, and I didn't take it.
Last year, I promised Him not to take it from September till the end of the year, and He helped me and I didn't take it.
I took it a few days ago, just 3 pieces and I told Him before I took it. After taking it, I promised Him not to take it till September.
I feel those cravings even as I typed, but I have decided to keep to my words to Him and not take it till the promised date.
Let me share the steps I took that helped me.
1. I involved the Holy Spirit.
2. I stopped having small money like 10, 20, 50 naira change with me when going towards that direction.
3. I went with my mum and sister when passing where they sell.
4. I took bike in order not to stop. So, the bike passed by, and I cannot come down to buy.
5. I disciplined myself.
Those are the practical steps I took.
I'm also glad to say I don't have health issues relating to this. I'm so happy, and I believe total victory is just staring at the corner.
Do you have a similar story like mine? It's not compulsory it must be like my story. Anything you got addicted to.
Do well to share with me!
See you in the comment section.
Have a wonderful week ahead!