Hi there,
How's your day going?
My topic today looks absurd, and it's because I feel that way. I'm going to share what happened, and I just want to beseech you to share your experience with me if you have one.
I know you know that God talks to us as believers, and He expects us to follow Him and be obedient. It can be hard sometimes, but we do it regardless.
Do you know that God doesn't make sense sometimes too? Like He says something, and you are wondering what He's trying to mean. Most of the time, we can't fathom those sayings, and it's at the end of our obedience that we seem to understand what He's doing.
Do you get?
I got to know a friend, and somehow we got talking and one discussion led to another, and we began praying together. We shared what God told us in the place of prayer, and they happen to be the same thing. It was so beautiful.
We had beautiful experiences in sharing the word of God and spending time in His presence.
God shared something very personal with me and told me to tell my friend. I heard Him clearly, so I wouldn't want to deny that I didn't hear. I wanted to pretend, but I know when He talks and i cannot deny it.
My question back to Him was “WHY?”
On what grounds? How does it concern my friend? What does He want him to do with that info? Does God know the implications of me voicing it out?
While I was struggling with Him, He told me to trust Him and go ahead. I wish there was something I could do.
Saying it to him made me feel my worth and dignity was dragged. I felt bad and broken. Like who says something like this? God has been breaking me in the last few days, and it's not so easy.
I have never been this courageous to do something like that. In as much as I can be free with people and get expressive, there are some things I cannot say.
Well, I obeyed and told my friend and I left his DM sharp sharp. After telling him, I felt so much peace in my spirit, and I was fine. He told me to be still and know He's God.
Trust me, I don't understand what He's doing and trying to wrap my head around the whole scenario seem so difficult.
The thing is I feel uncomfortable in my flesh. I don't know how I'm going to talk to my friend from henceforth. A lot of things have been going through my head and it is so hard to know that God can push me this far.
The question now is “WHAT NEXT?”
I have never in my life done what I did today and I have never thought of it, but it came, and I had to.
Do you know what?
I want to find solace in God in your testimonies. Kindly share with me your experience if you have gone through something like this, how you felt, and what was the outcome.
I long to hear from you.
See you in the comment section.