How come life looks like a difficult and endless struggle without any end?
Why is there so much vacuum in my heart?
Why do I feel a little of love, peace, and real joy?
Why do I feel so lonely and disappointed?
Why do I feel that this is caused by my forgetfulness. Forgetfulness that is so extensive and eats so deep that I eventually find life so sad and depressing.
Hmmm... I’ve forgotten God.
The God who sees me and has searched the skeleton in my cupboard and still loves me.
The God who has the right to the prime places in my life.
The God who is exceedingly important and it’s necessary I think, listen and speak with him.
The bustle of life has made me lose sight of God, but it’s not over if I come to him through Jesus. He will restore my peace, joy and true love in my heart and I’m going to enjoy all the fullness that’s present in Him.
This is talking to you.
Are you burdened with the bustle of life?
Are you weighed under challenges?
Are you blinded by darkness and don’t seem to know what’s up?
With so much joy in my heart, I’m here to tell you that Jesus is waiting for you. His arms are wide open to receive you in wide embrace.
Come all ye that labour and are heavy laden, come and I’ll give your rest- These are the words of Jesus.
Dear YOU, Jesus awaits you!