Do Friendship Still Exist?
The concept of friendship is becoming a thing of the past in this generation and it’s so sad. Everybody seems to be living in a virtual world.
We’ve got so carried away by so many things that people we say we love don’t seem to make sense to us anymore. Everybody seem too busy to reach out again.
Everybody is making time out online to look for friends, and somehow it’s not just real. Everybody seem to be finding comfort in inanimate objects.
The tag of everybody now is “I DO NOT OWE ANYBODY ANYTHING”. How true is that? You know, most of these things we say has done a lot to destroying friendships.
Even people that have friends are becoming to lose interest in themselves, and somehow I’m beginning to think there wasn’t friendship right from time.
Can the culture of friendship be brought back to how it was?
Can we still have people who are willing to be friends, real friends?
Personally, I really do not expect friendship from anybody really. Circumstances and situations has just conditioned me that way and that’s very bad.
I’m just here trying to live life and just do what that needs to be done.
Do you have friends and are you happy about how the state of your friendship is?
What can be done to mend this crack?
Share with me in the comment section.
Have a beautiful weekend!