Dearest Dad,
I know you can hear me as I type
My heart is so heavy right now as I think about YOU and your coming
I look forward to seeing you but there are so much to be done
Souls be won
Lives be changed
Help me to stay committed to this cause of soul winning
Raise men for the Gospel
Help me to do the work of an evangelist as you have commanded in your word
I know you know I love you
I know sometimes my behavior doesn’t show that love I have have you
The sincere truth is, I sincerely love you
From the depth of my being and my heart
Pants for you each and every day
And I have dropped this life of mine at the foot of the cross
My desire each and every day is to live my life according to your will, way, and pattern
Please I ask that you prepare me for this day that you will come to take us
Whatever help you can offer this girl, please Sir do for me
Anything that I’m asking you to give me that will hinder me, please I don’t want again
Any behavior in my life that will hinder, work on again
Don’t mind my emotions
Don’t mind my tears
Do all that you want
I give you full permission
Help me to seek you till I attain the fullness of the stature of Christ
Help me, Dad
Help my soul
Help me to have sense
Bless me with wisdom
Help me to sit with your word daily in deep study and understanding
Help me to spend more time in the place of prayer
Put me within believers that will help me
Don’t let me get to a point where I feel I have gone too far and cannot cone back
If I ever say I’m not doing again, please Sir don’t answer me
Things must have hit me hard to make me utter such statement
At those point, grant me strength
I’m forever in this business of loving and serving you forever
One more thing Dad, satisfy me early
I want to see those prophecies you told me about come to fulfillment
Sometimes, I get tired from waiting
Sometimes, I feel you are far away
Sometimes, I don’t seem to hear you
Sometimes, I lose strength and break down
Sometimes, I get distracted
Dad, satisfy me early
Don’t let the Devil use this as a medium of distraction from my main focus which is YOU
In the midst of this request, I have surrendered my will to YOUR WILL
If waiting is all that I ever do, so be it
I have chosen to take up my cross and follow you
I have chosen to stay on this path of righteousness
Dad, whether you bless me or not, I’ll keep loving you
My love for you is not based on what you do or what you do not do
I love you regardless of all those things
All that matters to me is I live for you
Until you come Jesus, keep me in your love continually
This day, I promise to be a true soldier
And at my post you will find me
Bless everyone reading this and prepare them too as you come to take us
I love you, Dad.
From Your Beloved Daughter,