Dear Adefunke,
I am actually tempted to look at you and tell you that you have not done enough. At the same I'm tempted to say WELL DONE. Well, I choose to stick to the latter part.
The truth is, I'm trying so hard to collate my thoughts and everything I want to say to you. I seem to be losing words but still I definitely will write. I may not be able to write so much but just take in the little I will share with you.
Likewise, I'm glad I've been able to put myself together to write this letter to your humble self.
I know that you are still trying to believe that this is really chapter 22, but dear, this is to tell you that CHAPTER 22 is here already. Permit me to say CONGRATULATIONS.
It's so beautiful and thrilling to watch you walk through life with so much strength and enthusiasm. It's so amazing to know that you are still willing to stand even in the storm that seem to surround you at this time. Hey Adefunke, I'm super proud of you.
I watched you allow God change your plans to His. I saw how you gave Him the pen to paint the picture of your life the way He desires. Not only that, I also saw how painful it was, I saw how lonely you felt, and I saw how willing you were to embrace His plans at the expense of yours.
Watching you fight ad mist several trials, disappointments, rejections, heartbreaks, pain, and struggles, all I can say is GOD saw you through. Sometimes, I wonder how you went through those stuffs successfully without breaking off. Adefunke, I don't need anyone to convince me of how strong and resilient you are.
I watched how people misunderstood you, how you loved others effortlessly, how you went extra miles for them, and how you yearned to be loved in return.
I saw you on those lonely nights when friends and family were gone. I saw you cry your eyes out, I saw you cry for help, I saw your scream, I saw how vulnerable you were, I saw everything.
You know, all that happened to you is for the best, and I'm glad you decided to stay on track.
It's so beautiful to watch you add another year. I know your emotions seem to be failing at this point of writing, please can you hold on strong for me?
Adefunke, this is CHAPTER 22, there's still much life ahead of you. There's still more feats to be won. There are still lives to be touched. There are victories to be won. I understand you feel like closing it up and running away from yourself but wait; how long will you keep running?
You have kept it all together, do you want to throw it all to the wind; common, NO!
I don't want to say so much, all I desire to tell you is KEEP FIGHTING UNTIL YOU WIN. Don't stop until you have attained that height God has destined you to reach.
Fight the good fight of faith.
Finish the race.
Keep the faith.
You have come too far to give up this fight. Adefunke, fight till you win.
I want to use this opportunity to say thank you for keeping it up together.
Thank you for staying strong.
Thank you for forging ahead.
Thank you for loving Jesus.
Thank you for everything.
A big thank you to Jesus who stayed and never gave up on me. Thank you to families and friends who were there for me.
Adefunke, you are on lane 22, you still have 73 more years to go. Don't lose focus, face your front, hold up your head high and fight till you win.
I also want to remind you that Jesus loves you and I love you too. Mummy, Oluwatosin, Oluwamayowa, Olaoluwa, and Samuel loves you. Your real friends loves you too.
Welcome to chapter 22 and watch God make something beautiful out of you.
Cheers to 73 more years in purpose, peace, and fulfillment. In case Jesus comes before then, you will celebrate the rest with Him.
Dear Lord, I ask for these few things.
✔ Help me to fight till I win.
✔ Make me truly smile.
✔ Give me an understanding heart and a heart that loves you.
✔ Grant me the next template for the journey ahead.
✔ Bless me with a very big cake, bring friends to my house and give me a birthday gift today.
Once again, don't give up the fight. Fight till you win.
Happy Birthday Adefunke🎉🎉🎉