DAY 16!
I have been writing for the past 16 days, and I'm so amazed at the way I have handled it.
I definitely will not believe I am going to stay consistent till now, but I'm glad I did.
There were times I had writer's block
There were times the vibe was not there
There were times I had so much work to do
There were times I had a flat battery
There were time I was tired
I was discouraged too kind of
But somehow, I kept showing up everyday
I'm happy I did I kept showing up
And this may continue for the next 365 days
If I can do 16 days, then I can do 30
Then I cannot accomplish 100
365 will not be too complex to achieve
That's going to be great but…
Something came up a week ago
I looked at my write-ups and just felt, I wasn't making a lot of sense.
Wait, do I have to make sense?
I am not normal o
Do you know what?
I'm going to keep writing till it makes sense.
I have put my hands to the plow
No turning back
Cheers to day 16
And to every other day.