Hey, there's no excuse for your poor grammar in your captions. A mistake in your grammar will make your caption look unprofessional and discourage viewers from reading what you've written. It's advisable to do a proofread of your captions before you let it out.
Some of the common caption mistakes
1. There vs Their vs They're.
They’re is short form for “they are”. E.g They’re coming over.
Their refers to something owned by a group. E.g Is that their book?
There refers to a place. E.g We're going there after work.
Endeavor to check that you're using the right ones in the right places at the right times.
2. "Alot" is not a word.
The word "a lot" has become very common in writing and speaking. But "alot" is not a word! Make sure there is a space between "a" and "lot".
3. You’re vs Your.
These two words sound similar, but twisting you're vs. your is an awkward mistake that's very easy to prevent.
"Your" is a possessive adjective and it modifies a noun.
"You're" is the combination of the two words "you are".
4. Lose vs Loose.
These two words get mixed up so easily all the time despite the fact that their meanings are totally different.
Loose is something that isn't tight.
Lose is when you suffer the loss of something.
A helpful trick is to think that 'Lose' has lost an 'o'.
So, be very careful when making use of certain words.