AT 23!
Life at different times has taught me that I am different from everybody else, and the same applies to you too.
I’ll be using what I saw on Twitter few weeks ago and a handful of people got depressed kind of, seeing other people achievement, trying to weigh theirs, and how far they’ve gone. It was a painful sight to see for me, and I wish that trend did not hold.
The latest trend was people saying where they were at 23. I think some people got depressed and suicidal because of where they are at that age...
This life eh, I can’t kill myself o. Allow me to rest o.
If you like, have 100 billion at 18 years. I celebrate your growth, but my life doesn’t revolve around what others have or don’t have. Success and life to me has deeper meaning.
I’m 23, and I’m in Ilorin, in one thick forest with herdsmen studying Computer Science in a low standard school.
I’m single to stupor. Bolu is still trying to see if he can get me one boyfriend before the year runs out.🤣🤣🤣
I don’t have money and I don’t have a job yet, but I’ve got mad skills.
I have Jesus, I have few friends, I have a wonderful family, and I have wonderful books to read.
I have a roof over my head. I stay alone, and I enjoy my privacy so much. I have small food to eat, and I still have #250 in my account. Emi omo baba olowo!
I have plans, goals, and target. Every day, I put in necessary effort even as I plead for God’s grace and favor.
Sometimes I feel unloved, get swayed by life troubles, lose faith, get tired, I fall, I rise, I cry till sleep takes me away, and I also scream for joy too. There are so many sides, but in all I’m grateful for 23.
I obviously do not look like my future and I don’t know what the future holds for me, but every single day I know that there’s a lot in store for me.
I’ll keep pushing till that future I desire and deserve finally dawns on me.
I value my process, I respect my journey, and I love myself!
I am sure your story might look similar to mine or even worse than it. I just want to encourage as you go into the new week that you should trust your process and value it.
Your journey may look pretty slow, and you don’t know what to expect at the end of it all. You may be weighed under the burdens of life troubles. You may be down and bent under the pain of heartbreaks and different troubles life seem to throw your ways.
I just want to tell you to hang on, keeping working hard, keep believing, and keep trusting God.
At the end of it all, it’s going to make sense, and everything will be fine.
So, go into this new week with the assurance that you’re doing well and slow progress is still progress.
Have a wonderful week ahead.